I wanted some way to end the scene without everything being all quiet and somber, because these two can never focus on serious things for too long. So we return to the usual topic and end the scene on a loud and awkward note instead, with Shiori accidentally bothering the two people in the front row we saw earlier. (I'm not a fan of noisy people on the train either and would look just as annoyed as the black-haired girl ;;;)
Published on by Natsu.
Comic transcript
Taku doesn't seem too happy about Shiori's newest crush, having witnessed how ill the guy seems to be.
Taku: "Tenshou-'sama'? Really now? He's your next victim?"
Shiori: "He's not my 'victim'! I just think he's really nice, okay? S-So maybe I'd like to get to know him better...!"
Not very convinced, Taku turns away.
Taku: "Yeah, sure... whatever you say. Just try to go easy on the poor guy. His health is bad enough already."
Shiori: "Oh, shut up! This is none of your business!"
The two people in the front row turn their heads when they hear Shiori's noisy outburst. Outside, the sun slowly goes down...