Our protagonist this time around, currently tasked with helping the preparations for the upcoming school festival. Unfazed by spooky stuff – or maybe just really good at pretending so? – he has no problem to enter the storage room again, even after what happened last time. But then, a curious memento from years past piques his interest...

Easily worried as he is, quiet bookworm Kei still decides to repay the favor from last week and help with the festival preparations, even if a revisit of the creepy storage room is in order. Now that the weather is clear and the mirror is destroyed, he is in a much more cheerful mood than last time.

Taku's senpai who frequently sits next to him on their monorail ride back from school and subjects him to excessive monologues about all the things on her mind. Shiori is very interested in rumors and has a great memory, so if you need information on certain topics, there's a good chance she might know something.