With that, our little flashback is concluded... in a sort of unfortunate way. Poor little Secchan.
Page #24

With that, our little flashback is concluded... in a sort of unfortunate way. Poor little Secchan.
Setsuko's voice gets shaky again...
Setsuko: "Hideki was right... He said you wouldn't promise..."
...and then, she suddenly bursts into tears and dashes away.
Setsuko: "YOU BIG MEANIE!!"
Taku: "Secchan! W-Wait!"
Back in the present, Taku stares out of the window, remembering some further annoying details.
Taku: (Yep, that happened. And after that, I got into additional trouble with our teacher because I chucked that stupid Hideki's pencil case into the ocean for scaring Secchan.)
Shiori: "Umm... are you listening?"
Taku: "I am. So what happened next? Did the police manage to catch the killer?"