Middle Point

We're wrapping things up in the storage room and simultaneously the first half of the story. Time to say goodbye to Kei as well, because we won't see him for the rest of Hyoukyo Traitor.

The primary means of public transportation in Port Astraea is the monorail, with the cabins hanging from the rails while they soar between the buildings. Or even above the buildings, in case you need to cross over to a different platform, like it happens on the lower right panel.

As we know from Hyoukyo Mirror, Taku and Shiori have to take the same monorail half of the week to get back from school, soooo guess who'll appear on the next page~!

Comic transcript

Looking at a package of ten year old snacks in slight disgust, Taku decides that it's time to forget this matter and do what they came here for.

Taku: "Anyway! Let's pick up all this crap and find the box!"

After cleaning up and finishing their task, they go home. The [Port Astraea Monorail] is shown, rushing along high above one of the lower platforms of the city.